miercuri, 23 septembrie 2015

Two ways to grow up

There are 2 ways to grow up: through pain or through listening to advice.  Unfortunately most of us find out about the existence of the latter only when they are able to give the advice to others, an advice learned the hard way by themselves.

sâmbătă, 12 septembrie 2015

What you are

Make sure you'll do what you say you are and not be whatever the shit you do,  cuz you are what you do before you do what you are. 

sâmbătă, 27 iunie 2015

The mirage of civilization

Being exclusively open minded just to call yourself civilized only makes you a spineless being.  Strong characters are built on strong principles. If those are broken by so called laws given just for the sake of political suport, you can call yourself a leaf thrown from place to place by the wind. Accept people's acts as long as, and in those areas where they don't break your principles,  don't do it because that's what the "civilized society" says you should; and be unsuportive of the things that cross your principles.  Don't hate or love people just because you live in an era that tells you to do that.  Open-mindedness is not an excuse for being self ignorant!

A kiss

I miss the days that I have never lived: the days when a kiss was a promise of everything to come,  and not just a common thing to do...

sâmbătă, 13 iunie 2015

Frustrations of older generations

Previous generations often act disappointed but most of them aren't. They act this way though, because they are frustrated and envious on the fact that many of us didn't make the same mistakes as early as they did,  and as they know the meaning of a lesson,  they wanted that for us too.  The timing is different though, as there is a time for each and everything to happen to each and everyone.  Plus... We have our own lessons to learn many of them different from what and how it used to be.

luni, 8 iunie 2015


You loose some,  you win some.  At the end of the day make sure you have what matters to you,  what makes you happy.  The rest is just for show. 

duminică, 7 iunie 2015


Disappointment comes with knowledge: knowledge about people,  about the world,  about the unspoken,  even about yourself.  Thankfully with knowledge comes freedom too.  Depends on how you choose to apply your knowledge though.